When a member of the college faculty or senior administrative staff retires from active service in good standing and that individual has served with exceptional distinction, the president may confer upon them emeritus/emerita status. 

Honorific Appointments

Emeritus appointments are strictly honorific and consequently, very few are conferred. These appointments are at the complete discretion of the president of the college. Changes or exceptions to this practice may be made at the president’s discretion. The president may make as many or as few appointments as the president deems appropriate, including making no appointments at all in any given year. These appointments do not confer any employment status or rights.

How Titles are Determined

The emeritus/emerita title shall be the same title held at the time of the individual’s retirement. For faculty holding joint appointments, both departments are generally included in the title. At the discretion of the president, an administrative retiree who has also served as a member of the faculty may be honored by use of their academic title rather than the title held as an administrator. Individuals retiring from an acting or interim position will be recognized with the title of their permanent, full-time position and not their temporary assignment.

Making Emeriti Nominations

Nominations may be made at any time, however, the deadline for submission in order to be considered in any given year is June 15. Customarily, all nominations are considered once per year in early summer. In recent years, the public announcement of emeritus appointments has taken place in August. To learn how to make a nomination, review the nomination process.

Emeriti Honorees by Year

Karen Castagno

Professor Emerita of Health and Physical Education, 28 years of service

The chair of the Health and Physical Education Department voted to recommend Dr. Karen Castagno for Professor Emeritus status. Since her arrival at RIC in 1995, she has served as a role model for colleagues and students. Her service to the college surpassed normal expectations. 

  • She served as Co-director of the Ph.D. in Education Program. She also served as Associate Dean for Teacher Education from 2007 to 2013. She spearheaded programmatically changes to better serve the student body. 
  • In 2014, she assumed the position of Interim Dean of the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development  Which was awarded a $1.3 million dollar grant to create an Institute of Early Childhood Learning and Teaching. 
  • She was also appointed by Governor Chafee to the Educator Autonomy Group, whose charge was to examine the issue of providing greater autonomy for educators, schools, and school districts across the state.   
  • Authored three books and texts in the areas of children, education and wellness; sports in the 21st century, and special physical education. As well as numerous articles. 
  • Dr. Castagno understanding of pedagogy lead her to develop seven curriculum guides to steer future teachers.  
  • During her tenure at RIC, Dr. Castagno worked closely with Special Olympics at the state, regional, and international level. She held many events on campus for those with special needs. 
  • Dr. Castagno awards (among others) the Outstanding Professional award from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance – Eastern District Association and a Presidential Citation from 51.   

Kenneth Kinsey

Associate Professor Emeritus of Biology, 51 years of service

Dr. Kenneth Kinsey began his career in the Biology Department at 51 51 years ago (1972). His tenure has been remarkable for the countless roles and responsibilities he has assumed to benefit students, fellow faculty and staff, the college community and the community at large. Dr. Kinsey served a total of three terms as Biology Department Chair: two consecutive terms from 1984-1990 and later from 2002-2004. 

  • His research interests focused on the social behavior in woodrats and Ken published two peer-reviewed articles by the time he was granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor in 1977. He later shifted his research focus somewhat to study methods of rodent control in local poultry farms. This later study was funded with a grant from Eli Lilly and Company and resulted in two technical reports. 
  • He served as either the sole author or coauthor on five different grants and sponsored projects that involved science education and teacher preparation. Dr. Kinsey was the Co-Principal investigator for the "Rhode Island Project Change - Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation in Mathematics, Science and Technology." which was awarded 50,000. He served on an additional eight committees. Including but not limited to Rhode Island Science Teacher Association (RISTA), RIC Curriculum Committee, RIC Arts & Sciences Dean’s Advisory Committee. 
  • He also served as the BIOL 231 laboratory coordinator for over 20 years. During this time, he worked with the other instructors, many of whom are adjuncts, and often worked long hours to proctor practical lab exams to give students greater flexibility. Furthermore, In collaboration with Eric Hall, he helped to build the Health Sciences and Medical Imaging Programs at the College, both of which are very successful.
  • His efforts did not go unnoticed by the students, as Dr. Kinsey received numerous awards from students such as “Best Class at RIC” and “In Recognition of Valuable Contributions to the Academic Success of a Student Athlete”.   

David Sugarman

Professor Emeritus of Psychology, 39 years of service

Dr. David Sugarman has served the students at RIC, his colleagues, and the broader community in academic Psychology with distinction for 39 years. He taught the cutting-edge of science and challenged his students to appreciate theoretical and empirical nuance in research literature. 

  • Dr. Sugarman has made seminal, groundbreaking contributions to the field of interpersonal violence. Not only has he made original theoretical and methodological contributions in this area, but he has also synthesized bodies of research using meta-analysis. His published work in this area is highly cited by researchers around the globe.  
  • Most of his work has been in intimate partner violence (e.g., wife abuse and dating violence), it has also included an examination of factors related to corporal punishment, child sexual abuse, and euthanasia. He has also published work in interpersonal perception (with a team that includes Dr. Thomas Malloy) among children. That documented that children show a surprising capacity for accurate interpersonal perception that would not be predicted by Piagetian theory.   
  • As a developmental psychologist, Dr. Sugarman offered theoretical guidance when the data did not conform to what was expected given classical Piagetian theory. 
  • Dr. Sugarman has been involved in the creation of the Personal and Relationships Profile (PRP), a series of scales that assess a wide range of risk markers for partner violence. This assessment tool includes measures including social integration, borderline personality disorder, dominance, jealousy, violence approval, and violence socialization. 
  • He served as Department Chair of Psychology and chaired or served on many department committees. 

Maureen Reddy

Professor Emerita of English, 36 years of service

Dr. Reddy was described as an inspiring teacher, a scholar of international renown, an exemplary contributor in various administrative and committee posts, an indefatigable booster for the college in the wider Rhode Island community, and a cherished colleague in the English department. In each of the categories delineated in the emeritus prospectus, Dr. Reddy has been a standout.                              

  • She has served as Chair of the English Department, as Assistant Chair, as Interim Chair (twice), and for the last several years as Coordinator of First Year Seminar.  
  • She has directed the Women’s Studies Program, served as Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Reddy also demonstrated her leadership as the Coordinator of Assessment, piloting an entirely new assessment program that is still functioning.
  • Since she arrived at the college in 1987 she has served on 52 committees, advisory boards, and editorial boards. As well as chair ship of the Traffic and Parking Committee. 
  • Dr. Reddy has been awarded a plethora of awards including the Faculty Leadership Award in 2016 and a Pioneer and Trailblazer Award from the Rhode Island Commission on Women. As well as notable nominations.  
  • In the classroom, Dr. Reddy has been an inspiring teacher. The English department files hold decades of glowing course evaluations. Her influence on students extends well beyond the classroom. She was a major contributor to the unit on career readiness that is now included in many English department courses, including all Gen Ed courses. 
  • She has published seven books, 34 book chapters, given 40 invited talks, and produced a long and impressive list of conference papers and book reviews. 
  • She has received faculty research grants from the college dating from 1988 to 2020. 

Frederic Reamer

Professor Emeritus of Social Work, 40 years of service

Dr. Reamer is a Professor in the graduate program of the School of Social Work at the college and began his career as a faculty in 1983 (40 years ago). His contributions are extraordinary and extensive. They have been noted to put RIC on the world map. 

  • His research and teaching have addressed a wide range of human service issues, including mental health, health care, criminal justice, public welfare, and professional ethics.
  • Dr. Reamer has served as Director of the National Juvenile Justice Assessment Center of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (1979-1981); as Senior Policy Advisor to the Governor of Rhode Island (1987-1990); and as a Commissioner of the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation, the state housing finance agency (1987-1995). He has also served as a social worker in correctional and mental health settings. 
  • Dr. Reamer served on the State of Rhode Island Parole Board from 1992 to 2016.  He also served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Social Work Education (1990-1994). He serves as Associate Editor of the National Association of Social Workers Encyclopedia of Social Work (Oxford University Press and National Association of Social Workers).   
  • He has been involved in national research projects sponsored by The Hastings Center, the Carnegie Corporation, the Haas Foundation, and the Scattergood Program for the Applied Ethics of Behavioral Healthcare at the Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania.   
  • He has published 25 books and 185 journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia articles. 
  • Dr. Reamer has lectured extensively nationally and internationally (including India, China, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Djibouti, Bahrain, Indonesia, Diego Garcia, Spain, Romania, Poland, Greece, and Canada) on the subjects of professional ethics and professional malpractice and liability. 
  • He has served as an expert witness and consultant in 137 court and licensing board cases addressing professional ethics.   
  • Among his various awards, he was named a Social Work Pioneer by the National Association of Social Workers for his "commitment and dedication to the social work profession and to the improvement of social and human conditions at the local, state, national, and international levels."    

Patricia B.M. Brennan

Associate Professor Emerita in James P. Adams Library, 40 years of service

The library faculty nominated Patricia Brennan for a change in rank from Associate Professor to Associate Professor Emerita. Her nomination rests on her significant contributions to the College, State of Rhode Island, and library and information studies profession, which cover a period of 40 years. 

  • She has performed admirably as the Library’s liaison to the Department of Theatre, Music, and Dance; the Biology, Physical Sciences, Political Science, and History departments; and the Film Studies and Environmental Studies programs. 
  • Professor Brennan has taught research and instruction classes in nearly every other subject area at the College.   
  • For many years, she collaborated with Dr. Becky Caouette, Professor of English and FYW Coordinator, to incorporate the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education into the FYW program.   
  • While serving on COGE (College Writing Board and Committee on General Education), she was a part of the last General Education review process, including attending the American Association of Colleges and Universities conference and participating in many COGE assessment sessions over the summer. 
  • She was also a founding member of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning’s Advisory Board where she supported faculty professional development. 
  • She shared her wealth of professional knowledge with colleagues in RI's Office of Library and Information Service's Multi-type Reference Advisory Group, which brought together public, school, special, and academic librarians to facilitate communication and improve services statewide. 
  • With regard to scholarship, Tish co-authored two publications of importance: a 1999 Reference Services Review article which has been cited by nineteen authors, and a book chapter on collection development in the 2006 Handbook of Electronic and Digital Acquisitions, which has far reach in the field, as this book is owned by over 400 libraries worldwide. 
  • Professor Brennan has created and mounted multiple exhibits at James P. Adams Library. 

Peter Meyer

Professor Emeritus of Physical Sciences, 34 years of service

The chair of the Physical Sciences Department has nominated Dr. Meyer for Professor Emeritus. Dr. Meyer has served at the college for 34 years and has excelled in teaching, scholarly activity, and service. He has been a mentor to students and colleagues alike. In his yearly evaluation, a chair wrote “Peter is the sort of person who is regularly sought out for his good judgement, his organizational and presentation skills, and his unfailing good humor.” 

  • Dr. Meyer did significant work developing new courses including Field Methods in Geology and the lab component of Introduction to Oceanography. He consistently averages over 4.5 in every category of his student evaluations. 
  • Dr. Meyer also served as an adjunct scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from 1993-2008.  His research has focused on four main areas: 1) the geochemistry and petrology of Iceland volcanic rocks; 2) the origin and evolution of the ocean crust; 3) the chemical composition of plagioclase feldspar; and 4) layered intrusions. 
  • He has 35 peer-reviewed publications and has participated in 8 oceanographic research expeditions to the Caribbean, the North Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. 
  • He was honored in 1994 with the Mary Tucker Thorp award for scholarly work at 51. 
  • He has been a stalwart member of the Departmental Advisory Committee, serving for 22 years throughout his career. His service to the College also included 4 years on the Committee on General Education, 3 years on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 3 years on the Faculty Research Committee, and 1 year on the Traffic and Parking Committee. Within the Department of Physical Sciences, he also served as the RIC/AFT departmental representative for 9 years, on the Evaluation Committee for 10 years, on the Curriculum Committee for 5 years, and on the Space Committee for 3 years. 
  • Dr. Meyer was chair of the department for five years, stepping forward during a very challenging time for the department upon the abrupt resignation of the chair. He carefully balanced the needs of the various programs and faculty. 

James Magyar

Professor Emeritus of Physical Sciences, 45 years of service

The chair of the Physical Sciences Department recommends Dr. James Magyar for professor emeritus status. He has served at the college for 45 years and has been a tremendous leader in his time both in the department and college wide.  He is a strong teacher and researcher with an excellent record of service.   

  • He arrived at the college in 1978 in a part-time position that he shared with Dr. Elaine Magyar until his appointment to a full-time position in 2001.  Despite his half-time status, he always did the work of a full-time faculty member. His teaching evaluations are consistently above 4.0 in all categories.  
  • He has also been deeply involved in work done at the Feinstein School to improve K-12 science instruction. These curricular innovations have been presented at the Conference on Chemical Education, the Regional and National Meetings of the American Chemical Society, and the Rhode Island Science Teachers Association Conference as well as being published in the Journal of Chemical Education. 
  • He was awarded 51 Grantsperson of the Year Award, 1987. In 2003, Dr. James Magyar and Dr. Elaine Magyar jointly received the John Timm Award from the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers. Lastly, In 2021 he and Dr. Elaine Magyar received the National Science Olympiad Distinguished Service Award. 
  • He has served on many committees including the Honors Committee, the Colloquium Committee, the Undergraduate Research Committee, and the Departmental Advisory Committee.
  • Dr. James Magyar was chair from 1986-1992 and again from 2004-2009.  In his first terms as chair, he oversaw the creation of the B.A. program in physics and the certification of the B.S. in chemistry by the American Chemical Society. He also helped the department secure two Champlin grants for the renovation of the physics and physical sciences labs. Another Champlin Grant in 2011 for the renovation of the organic chemistry lab. 
  • He has been involved in two renovations to the General Education Program, first as a member of the committee that reviewed General Education in 1987 and then as chair of COGE during the General Education revisions in 2013. 
  • He also served as the first chair of the Special Committee on Undergraduate Advising when it was formed in 2009. The work of this committee was deemed so valuable that it eventually became a standing committee of Council.

Elaine Magyar

Professor Emerita of Physical Sciences, 45 years of service

The chair of the Physical Sciences Department believes Dr. Elaine Magyar is an excellent candidate for emeritus status. She has served the college for 45 years. She was described as an excellent teacher and researcher, whose service record is unparalleled. More importantly, as an ambassador for science at RIC. She improved the state of science in Rhode Island. 

  • She is an outstanding teacher, consistently averaging above 4.5 in every category on student evaluations. 
  • Dr. Elaine Magyar received the Maixner Distinguished Teaching Award in 1992 and the Rhode Island Professor of the year award from Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education in 1994. She was also honored by RIC for 40+ years of teaching at the College, 2019. 
  • She has played a pivotal role in acquiring instrumentation for the chemistry program as a co-author of successful grants from the National Science Foundation and the Champlin Foundation. Almost every instrument in the labs was acquired through her efforts. 
  • Throughout almost her entire career at RIC, Dr. Magyar has been the departmental advisor for pre-professional students interested in medical, dental, veterinary and optometry schools.   
  • Within the department, she has been a member of the Curriculum Committee, the Honors Committee, the Safety Committee, and the Departmental Advisory Committee among others. At the college-level, she has been chair of the Pre-professional Advising and Evaluation Committee since 1980. 
  • She has done science programs at the Henry Barnard School, Robertson School in Central Falls, Pilgrim High School and Hope High School among others. 
  • She has presented 30+ publications and papers throughout her career. 

Vivian La Ferla

Professor Emerita of Educational Studies, 49 years of service

Dr. La Ferla  served as s a joint appointment faculty member with the Department of Educational Studies as well as the Mathematics Department. Nominated by her colleagues in the Department of Educational Studies , she is recognized for an outstanding record of research, teaching innovation, and service to RIC and the Department of Educational Studies. She joined the college in 1974 (49 years ago) 

  • While at RIC, she taught 40 courses.  She was honored in 1994 by 51 as the recipient of the Paul Maixner Distinguished Teaching Award. In 2023, the Rhode Island Mathematics Teacher Association awarded her the Amedeo DeRobbio Award in recognition of her dedication to Mathematics education 
  • She elected as Chair of the Council of 51 for 5 years.  
  • Dr. La Ferla maintained membership on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Executive Board for 4 years. She also served as Chair of the Council of 51 for 5 years. While a faculty member in FSEHD, she served on the APIC committee that revised the Teacher Candidate Work Sample and the RI-ICEE forms currently used by FSEHD to measure student progress in the multitude of teaching practica we offer 
  • She is the author of four Mathematics manuals that were used here at RIC published by Pearson. She penned eighteen publications on Mathematics Induction, Estimation and in various areas of Geometry and Problem Solving. The publications were either teaching materials to improve the teaching of Mathematics or content to increase content knowledge of teachers. 
  • She was instrumental in efforts to meet RIDE accreditation requirements for Secondary Mathematics and Secondary Education programs. 
  • Dr. La Ferla  was awarded 24 grants that supported her research and informed her own teaching and learning. Grantors ranged from RIDE, NSF, RIC, RI Foundation and the Dwight D. Eisenhower Fund for Mathematics and Science 

Ellen Bigler

Professor Emerita of Educational Studies, 29 years of service

Dr. Ellen Bigler has served 51 with distinction for 29 years and was nominated by her colleagues in the Department of Educational Studies for her outstanding record of research, teaching innovation, and service to the college and Educational Studies.  

  • Dr. Bigler served as Chair of the Department of Educational Studies from 2009 - 2012, and subsequently served two years as interim Co-Dean for the Feinstein School of Education. She received multiple faculty development, faculty research, and faculty lectures awards.  
  • She took three sabbatical leaves (2002, 2009 & 2017). The first sabbatical involved conducting research on race and educational well-being in a public school in Salvador, Brazil. This was combined with a prestigious Fulbright award. 
  • Dr. Bigler created new courses and programs and managed numerous accreditation reviews of these programs and courses. In 2016, Dr. Bigler was recognized for her many outstanding contributions to the College when she was awarded the 51 Alumni Faculty Award. 
  • Dr. Bigler was a founder of the college-wide Dialogue on Diversity Committee which was successfully launched in 1996 with Sonia Nieto as the key speaker. She developed the prototype for what was to become the annual Promising Practices Conference that routinely brought 250 to 300 educators to campus to explore various educational diversity initiatives 
  • She published important journal articles and two chapters on the culture and history of Latinos in the US in anthropology texts edited by the well-known anthropology textbook author Raymond Scupin.

Earl Simson

Dean Emeritus of Arts & Sciences, 42 years of service

Dean Earl Simson is recognized for his guidance, mentorship, and strong and steady support for the departments and programs while dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences. Altogether, Dr. Simson served the college for 42 years, starting in 1981. 

  • Prior to becoming dean, Dean Simson was a talented and respected faculty member in the Psychology Department. He served as an assistant chair of the Psychology Department, which helped him develop innovative procedures for scheduling and assigning classes to faculty.  Praised for his ability to address program, faculty and student concerns with a level-head, empathy and patience. He also served as chair of the College Curriculum Committee, the committee on Student Designed Majors. 
  • Since his appointment as Interim Dean in 2008 (and then permanent in 2011), Dean Simson played a major role in developing, overhauling and supporting a range of 14-16 academic programs and 4-6 interdisciplinary programs at both the graduate and undergraduate level.  
  • He had a key role in the 2012 major revision of General Education and the on-campus adoption. He provided leadership and support in the development of a number of programs, including some of the FAS' most popular majors: Medical Imaging and Health Sciences programs; BS in Biology, Behavioral Neuroscience minor, Certificate and minor in International Nongovernment Organizations, Liberal Studies BA, African Studies major revisions, Mass Media track in Communication, Queer Studies minor. 
  • Dean Simson also provided support and administration for student success initiatives such as RIC 100, First Year Seminar, MATH 010, First Year Writing, OBOM.
  • Provided critical and major oversight of building projects: Alex & Ani Hall, Gaige Hall, and Craig-Lee renovations.
  • He Served on negotiating teams for the RIC/AFT contract and negotiating teams for the RIC/Adjunct contract, including the inaugural contract. 
  • Praised for his ability to address program, faculty and student concerns with a level-head, empathy and patience.
  • Served on numerous committees, task forces and ad hoc groups both as dean and representative of Provost/VPAA.
  • Throughout his career, Dean Simson presented a variety of papers and has been involved in numerous publications. 

Anderson, Mark

Associate Professor Emeritus of English, 37 years of service

The English department’s Advisory Committee unanimously recommends Dr. Mark Anderson for Professor Emeritus status. Dr. Anderson has been a distinguished poet and teacher since his arrival at RIC in 1985. Dr. Anderson has been a steady and faithful contributor to the mission of the College throughout his career at RIC.

  • Dr. Anderson has a noteworthy publication record as author of two books of poetry and nearly 70 individual published poems.
  • Dr. Anderson’s professional awards and honors include the Carnegie Mellon University Press Poetry Competition (semifinalist, 1990), the Helen Hoover Santmyer Prize (The Journal/Ohio State University Press, finalist, 1989), the Rhode Island State Council for the Arts Fellowship in Literature (finalist, 1988), the Academy of American Poets Prize (Cornell, 1981), and the Corson-Bishop Poetry Prize (Cornell, 1978). 
  • He served as director of the Creative Writing program for 6 years and served consistently on the Creative Writing committee since 1991. 
  • He was faculty advisor for Shoreline for a cumulative total of almost 15 years. He served on the DAC six times—as well as serving on nearly every committee the department has had.
  • He served as the English Department’s representative to Council and to the AFT. At the college level, he served, variously, on the Committee on Mission and Goals, the Committee on Student Life, the Performing and Fine Arts Advisory Committee, the Campus Store Advisory Committee, and the Advisory Committee on Writing Programs, including chairing some of these committees.

Goldfield, Beverly

Professor Emerita of Psychology, 30 years of service

The Department Advisory Committee has unanimously voted to recommend that emeritus status be conferred upon Dr. Beverly Goldfield.  In her thirty years at 51, Dr. Goldfield’s tenure has been remarkable for the countless roles and responsibilities she has assumed to benefit students, fellow faculty and staff, the college community and, the community at large. 

  • Dr. Goldfield's CV reflects twenty-three poster presentations and twenty-four publications in highly regarded peer-reviewed journals.
  • Student evaluations were consistently, across all thirty years,Research and teaching have never been mutually exclusive for Dr. Goldfield.  
  • Beginning in 2012 after receiving a large RI-INBRE grant, Dr. Goldfield set up a Psychology lab that included an eye-tracking machine. Every year after, until 2018, she hired three students within the summer months with INBRE funding and continued to mentor these students during the academic year.  exceptional. Students commented on the tone she set in class which encouraged their best efforts.
  • Within the department, Dr. Goldfield has served on numerous committees including search committees, the Department Advisory Committee and the graduate committee. She has served as in a mentorship role for incoming faculty along with more established colleagues. 
  • Dr. Golfield will probably best be remembered for her role as the director of our honors program. Dr. Goldfield oversaw more than thirty honors projects, ensuring faculty involvement, meeting 1:1 with students and coordinating presentations. Of the dozens of students involved in the program under her direction, more than a third have gone on to present their work at conferences or publications. 

Hetzel, Karen

Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing, 18 years of service

Dr. Karen Hetzel has rendered distinguished and meritorious service to the college, to the Onanian School of Nursing (SON) and to her profession. Dr. Hetzel is an outstanding educator, leader and an experienced clinician.  She joined 51 in 2004 upon completing her Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing degree from the University of Rhode Island.

  • Dr. Hetzel is often observed meeting one-on-one with students not only to provide academic guidance and support, but to address their overall well-being and life success.
  • Dr. Hetzel assumed the role of Undergraduate Program Director in the School of Nursing in 2016. 
  • She previously served as a member of the School of Nursing Student Outcomes Committee, 51 Committee, and the BSN Curriculum Committee. At the college level, she has served on 51’s First Year Experience Committee, Advisory Committee on Undergraduate 51 Policy, and the Academic Advising Committee.
  • Dr. Hetzel is an active member of Sigma Theta Tau, an international honor society of nursing, and is the recipient of the Delta Upsilon Chapter Service Award. 
  • She is a member in good standing of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association and past member of the National Network on Violence Against Women International.  
  • Dr. Hetzel is a National Board Certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and has maintained a private practice serving children and young adults within the community. 

Leazes, Francis

Professor Emeritus of Political Science, 38 years of service

Dr. Francis Leazes arrived at 51 in the fall of 1984, the same year he graduated the University of Connecticut with his Ph.D. in political science. By awarding him emeritus status, not only would the college be recognizing his 38 years of service to his students, colleagues, campus, and community, it would be maintaining and nurturing an important resource going forward into the future

  • Dr. Leazes has had many  award nominations, grants, publications, and public appearances that provide evidence of his “demonstrated and consistent record of contributions that far exceed the normal expectations of a faculty member.” 
  • Dr. Leazes has been nominated three times for RIC’s distinguished Thorp Professorship and was also RIC’s nominee for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education Award for Teaching Professor of the Year.
  • He has written two books including the co-authored Providence: The Renaissance City and contributed chapters to two books.
  • He has had dozens of publications and papers in a variety of topics including public administration, higher education, and the importance of the arts to the economy. 
  • Dr. Leazes has written and directed two documentaries; both have aired on Rhode Island’s PBS station. He has also provided his expertise on local news outlets on numerous occasions. 
  • He became chair of the Political Science department in his tenth year at RIC and served eight years; he created and has directed the Public Administration program since its inception; he directed the joint URI-RIC MPA program for nearly two decades; he coordinated our departmental internships, helped organize our departmental alumni events, and served as our assessment coordinator for years.
  • In addition to his leadership at the college, for the last four decades, he consistently provided leadership and expertise to the greater community, bringing distinction to RIC in countless ways.

Olmstead, Audrey

Associate Professor Emerita of Communication, 44 years of service

Dr. Audrey Olmsted has been nominated by her department and chair for the Emeritus honor. Audrey has been a valued and important member of the Communication Department since 1978. She has maintained continual service throughout her time at RIC and was instrumental in developing the Public & Professional concentration and affiliated courses. She has a strong, foundational view of communication and was always willing to consider ways to improve program delivery. The decision to nominate Audrey for Emeritus honors was unanimous.  

  • For 14 years Dr. Olmsted coached and led the RIC Debate Team, during which time the team was ranked as one of the top Parliamentary Debate organizations in the U.S, winning many tournaments and awards including invitation and participation in nine international World Cup Debating Tournaments. 
  • Among the most noteworthy of Dr. Olmsted’s service activities was her tenure as the International/Foreign Student Advisor where she served in that capacity for 36 years! 
  • She served on the Academic Vice President's Committee on International Student Services from 2012-2016.  
  • Students received the benefit of Dr. Olmsted’s service as she founded the RIC Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, an honors program sponsored by the National Communication Association (NCA), founded the Visiting International Student Association, a student organization for international students, and served as editor of “VISA Newsletter,” which published articles on international students and their activities from 1986 to 2016. 
  • In 2004 she designed, compiled and authored the department’s assessment report, and in 2015, she wrote, designed and produced a promotional brochure for the new Public and Professional curriculum to be used by current and prospective students.  
  • Dr. Olmsted was instrumental in developing the Public & Professional concentration in the Communication Department and the forensics program at RIC of which she was the director from 1978 to 1992.

Schapiro, Barbara

Professor Emerita of English, 35 years of service

The English department’s Advisory Committee unanimously recommends Dr. Barbara Schapiro for Professor Emerita status. Dr. Schapiro’s contributions to the English program have been legion over her 35-year career. There is no more highly valued and trusted member of the department. We wish to honor Dr. Schapiro for her extraordinary contributions to the English program since 1987, where she has been unfailingly active in teaching, research, and service. 

  • Dr. Schapiro served for twenty years as the director of the MA program in English, from 1998 to 2018. She created a rich and thriving program that served hundreds of graduate students.
  • She served on the Department Advisory Committee, she served as Assistant Chair for six years. 
  • At the College level, she has been a long-time member of the Honors 51 and Award committee (since 2003). She has served, variously, on the College’s Thorp Committee, Graduate Committee, Master’s Degree Committee, and Faculty Research Committee. 
  • In her fields of psychoanalysis, modern and contemporary literature, and women’s writing, she is a well- known and frequently cited figure. She is the author of three books and co-editor of a fourth.

Siegel, Deborah

Professor Emerita of Social Work, 39 years of service

Dr. Deborah Siegel began her career in the Master of Social Work program at 51 39 years ago (1983). Deborah has served as an extraordinary leader within the program and, during her time at the school, was instrumental in the development of countless initiatives. This letter only touches the surface on the ways in which Deborah has touched us all. It is an honor for all of us within the MSW Program to nominate Dr. Siegel to emeritus status.

  • She has been instrumental in helping to create a national training program for adoption agencies working with pre-adoptive parents for open adoption. 
  • She has published numerous peer reviewed articles dating back to 1992 on the topic of adoption. Additionally, Deborah has been a workshop presenter, agency trainer, and consultant both locally and nationally.  
  • Deborah has volunteered her time with many social service agencies including Reclaim Our Voice, SwingLeft, MoveOn, House of Hope (street outreach), and the RI Medical Navigator Project.
  • Deborah also has numerous publications in areas other than adoption including homelessness, technology, higher education, trauma-informed school social work, social media, whistleblowing, integrating research and practice, and teaching. 
  • Deborah headed the work at the Integrated Behavioral Health initiative at the Rhode Island Free Clinic. This initiative addresses the social determinants of health, particularly among BIPOC communities.  
  • Deborah is involved in many social justice issues. She is active in the RI Coalition Against Gun Violence and the RI Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty.

Stephen Brown

Professor Emeritus of English, 32 years of service

The English department’s Advisory Committee has voted unanimously to recommend Dr. Stephen Brown for emeritus status upon his retirement this year after 32 years at RIC. The English department wishes to honor Steve for his many distinguished contributions, which include not only his role as a gifted teacher and critic but, increasingly in recent years, his expansive and unstinting service to the department and the College:

  • Member of DAC for 8 years. Dr. Brown also served as Assistant Chair, Interim Co-Chair, Advising Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator, EEP Coordinator. 
  • Beyond these official leadership and service positions, the department shares that Dr. Brown was key in steering the department through incredibly difficult times and supporting their continued growth and success. 
  • Maintained the highest number of advisees for his department. 
  • Top ratings from students in all areas. Expanded knowledge base to meet needs of students, department and field. 
  • Has remained an active scholar in his field and department hopes to see Dr. Brown’s continued involvement post-retirement. 

Claire Creamer

Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing, 16 years of service

Throughout her tenure, Dr. Creamer consistently demonstrated exceptional teaching, scholarship and service; service to the college, to the community and to the profession of nursing. Her accomplishments include:

  • Dedicated educator who attended workshops and development opportunities to improve her service to students.
  • Consistently strong student and peer evaluations.
  • Department chair of Undergraduate Nursing since June 2018, leading the department through the difficulties of COVID-19.
  • Additionally, Dr. Creamer has served on many campuses departmental initiatives, such as Dialogue on Diversity, FCTL Mentor-Mentee program, ATAC (Academic Technology Advisory Committee), College Academic Policy and Procedures and Strategic planning, RIC Council/Executive Council Secretary. 
  • Active in her field as a scholar, with a chapter due for publication next year, and is an active member of a number of Nursing organizations on a local, national and international level.  

Mariam Boyajian

Director Emerita Upward Bound Program (originally awarded October, 2020), 41 years of service

Throughout her 41 year career, Mariam is recognized for her many contributions to 51, the Upward Bound Program and its faculty, staff and students. Mariam has brought great distinction to the college and we are happy that she will continue to be an active member of the college community in the years ahead.

E. Belle Evans

Professor Emerita of Social Work, 42 years of service

The MSW program nominates E. Belle Evans for emeritus status. Belle began her career in the Master of Social Work program at 51 42 years ago (1979). 

  • Dr. Evans was instrumental in the development of the MSW program at RIC. She served as department chair from 1997-2000, and has served on countless committees and task force.
  • Dr. Evans was instrumental in developing online learning in the SSW and was a leader in offering flexible course offerings to MSW students. 
  • Additionally, Dr. Evans provided leadership to the college in the beginnings of online learning and served on the ATEC and COOL committees since its inception until a few years ago.
  • In addition to being a social worker, Dr. Evans is also a nurse and has played a critical role interdisciplinary work with the School of Nursing (including serving as an adjunct for SON since 2012.) 
  • Dr. Evans maintains a private clinical psychotherapy practice (established in 1969) in addition to teaching. The department shares that this experience with a wide population of clients has been incredibly beneficial to students over the years. 
  • Served as PI on a number of grants for the institution within the Geriatrics field and workforce development.

Randy DeSimone

Associate Professor Emeritus of Management and Marketing, 33 years of service

Dr. Randy DeSimone  began his career at 51 in Fall 1986 as an Assistant Professor. He was awarded tenure in July 1992 and promoted to Associate Professor in July 1994. He retired from RIC last year during height of the pandemic in Summer 2020 after 33 years of service. 

  • Examining Dr. DeSimone’s CV shows his dedicated 34 years of exemplary service to 51.  He was a member and chair on numerous RIC committees, a Department Chair, and a mentor to many colleagues.  
  • Dr. DeSimone is a leader in his field, Human Resource Management (HRM).  From 1994 through 2012, he published six editions of Human Resource Management with Cengage.  The 600+ page textbook was used in both undergraduate and graduate HRM classes across the United States and abroad.
  • Valued by students for his knowledge and teaching style, the department reports “He not only taught Human Resource Management (HRM), he prepared and mentored students to pursue their careers.”
  • Even as he prepared for retirement, Dr. DeSimone participated in the Fall 2020 redesign of the HRM concentration to meet certification standards.

Gale Goodwin Gómez

Professor Emerita of Anthropology, 26 years of service

Dr. Goodwin Gómez started at 51 in 1994 (initially with a joint appointment between Anthropology/Geography and Educational Studies) and retired in June 2020 after 26 years of service.

  • The Anthropology department unanimously nominates Dr. Goodwin Gómez, sharing that not only has her scholarship added substantially to our knowledge and understanding of Amazonian languages, but her years at RIC have also left a lasting impact on the college and shaped it in fundamental ways into the institution that we know today.
  • Dr. Goodwin Gómez’s research, fueled by extensive research with the Yanoman and Yanam-speaking people of the Amazon focused on, not only the study, but the revitalization of endangered languages.
  • The department shares that her teaching service was shaped by her belief that students need to understand and explore the diversity of the world. 
  • This is reflected in her service to the college, including serving as a founding member of the Diversity Committee (now known as the Dialogue on Diversity and inclusion) in 1995, amongst “other efforts as varied” as the Gender Equity Statewide Handbook Project; the FSEHD Minority Recruitment and Cultural Diversity Committee; and a Task Force on the Foreign Language Requirement.
  • She was an active member of her department as well, serving on the DAC for 26 years as well as assessment, honors and faculty search committees.
  • An active researcher from 1985-2011, Dr. Goodwin Gómez has upwards of 17 publications in addition to numerous conferences and professional presentations.

Gary Grund

Professor Emeritus of English, 47 years of service

The English department’s Advisory Committee has voted unanimously to recommend Dr. Gary Grund for emeritus status upon his retirement this year after 47 years of service. 

  • Over his tenure, Dr. Grund he has taught 24 different courses including ancient Greek and Latin, has served energetically on many committees, directed undergraduate and graduate theses, and has a distinguished publication record.
  • Dr. Grund has published or contributed to nine books, two of which have been published by Harvard University Press, the press of his alma mater. He has further served as a consultant, editor, chapter author and translator – and a voice-over narrator for a short documentary film Blind Date (1995), which was nominated for an Oscar. 
  • Dr. Grund has taught all levels of curriculum, often carrying a heavy teaching load to maintain his commitment to general education and first-year offerings. 
  • Dr. Grund Lists a total of eight languages amongst his skills: Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese

Bonnie MacDonald

Associate Professor Emerita of Communication, 23 years of service

The Communication department has voted unanimously to recommend Dr. Bonnie MacDonald for emerita status upon her retirement after 23 years of service. 

  • Dr. MacDonald began her service to RIC almost immediately, serving on the NEASC (now NECHE) 2000 accreditation team only a year after joining the college. Since then, she has held a number of roles including Manager of Operations of the RIC TV Studio, Co-Chair of ATAC, Film Studies and Media Studies program director, FCTL director,  and most recently served on the RIC Website Task Force. She was a member of UCC for 10 years. 
  • Dr. MacDonald has been influential in developing art, film and media studies curriculum over the years and has consistently received excellent evaluations from her students.
  • Further, she participated in the development of the Film Studies program, as well as the Media Communication and Journalism concentrations. 
  • Dr. MacDonald is a prolific scholar, writer and artist, including presentations on higher education pedagogy and tools in recent years. 
  • The Communication department recognizes Dr. MacDonald’s overall dedication to pedagogy, student learning outcomes and teacher effectiveness.

Sue Pearlmutter

Dean Emerita of the School of Social Work, 16 years of service

Sue began her career at 51 as an Associate Professor in the MSW program in 2005. With her expertise in policy practice and administration, she brought remarkable passion and steady commitment to the macro concentration track in the MSW program. Throughout her time as Chair and Dean, Sue played a central role in advancing social work programs at RIC.

  • Some of the changes in the School of Social Work that she led were redesigning the advanced standing program, second-year concentrations in the MSW program, and BSW curriculum, and moving the Case Management certificate program to the Outreach programs (the first and only credit-bearing certificate program offered). She also led the successful reaccreditation of both BSW and MSW programs in 2017.
  • Sue played a critical role in initiating online learning and co-chaired the COOL committee (Committee on Online Learning), reformatted the Institutional Review Board, and actively engaged in the NEASC accreditation in 2010 and the follow-up report in 2015.
  • Because of her strong leadership skills, she was appointed the Interim Provost in April 2018. She led RICs administrative team in the RIC AFT negotiations in 2018- 2019.
  • When the School of Education received extensive feedback from RIDE, Sue mentored the two Interim Co-Deans from the School and saw through over 300 course revisions. This involved strategic discussions with COGE, the undergraduate curriculum committee, and RIDE.
  • Sue was RICs chief academic officer in 2020 when the world shut down because of the pandemic. She provided skillful direction and guidance as courses throughout the college were transitioned to an online platform. During these unprecedented times, Sue’s steady leadership allowed faculty to finish the semester, ensured that students graduate, and kept the campus safe.

Ronald E. Pitt

Vice President Emeritus of Academic Affairs

Richard Weiner

Professor Emeritus of Political Science, 32 years of service

The Political Science department has voted unanimously to recommend Dr. Richard Weiner for emeritus status upon his retirement after 32 years of service. 

  • In addition to a Political Science faculty member, Dr. Weiner joined RIC as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He served in this role for nearly 20 years, in which he "had a demonstrated and consistent record of contributions that far exceed the normal expectations of a faculty member or Administrator” – including teaching 2-3 per semester a year during his tenure as dean.
  • The Political Science department recognizes him for his dedication to “cultural understanding,” and points to such projects at the INGOS program and creation of a French film festival.
  • In his time since leaving deanship to be a faculty member, he has published two books (one prior) and continues to contribute to his field with a fourth book upcoming in 2022. He has published dozens of articles, and participated in “over a hundred” conferences and seminars.
  • He is recognized for his commitment to students persistence and retention, including his recruitment of students and support of their post-baccalaureate goals. 
  • Upon announcing his retirement, Dr. Weiner assured his colleagues of his interest “continuing to serve, to support, and to contribute to the institution and to its mission.”

Barbara Anderson

Psychology, 1973-2020

Barbara Anderson has been described by her department chair as the “heart and soul” of the Psychology Department. She served the department and the college for 47 years through committees, directing the graduate program, serving as assistant chair, and developing the department’s faculty mentorship program. She was the “holder of information, a truth-teller, and a person who makes one feel like the priority.” She showed great artistry in her teaching and she taught challenging research and stats courses. She has been a fine teacher, deeply appreciated by her students and recognized as a role model and mentor.

She was well known for her work in psychological testing and test-taking. She has published, presented, and consulted widely in these areas; she played a significant role in students’ acceptance into doctoral programs.

Rachel Carpenter

James P. Adams Library, 1984-2020

Rachel Carpenter played an instrumental role at 51, in particular at the James P. Adams Library, for over three decades, from 1984 until her retirement in 2020. She was appointed Reference Librarian at the rank of Assistant Professor in 1984 and tenured in 1990. She became Coordinator of the Government Documents Collection in 2003 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2007. Over her career, Rachel has been recognized as an exemplary, service-oriented librarian, with superior writing skills and specialized knowledge of literature, government publications, and health sciences. She was a founding member of RIC’s Open Books Open Minds initiative, which developed, in part, from her involvement with the American Democracy Project’s common book program. Throughout her tenure at the college, Rachel demonstrated her commitment to student learning and intellectual growth through mastery of research concepts and skills, particularly in her subject areas, but also in programs such as First Year Writing and First Year Seminar.

Rachel is keen to continue to serve the college and its mission after retirement. At present and with funding from the National Network of Libraries Medicine Grant, Rachel and the Adams Library are embarking on a collaboration with Age Friendly Rhode Island. Their goal is to bring resources and tools from the National Library of Medicine, along with information from local agencies, to the public in order to build an age-friendly community. "She has motivated and inspired students," said her library colleagues in nominating her. "With equal parts collegiality and perseverance, she has served our faculty, state, and profession."

Roger Clark

Sociology, 1981-2020

Roger Clark has been the consummate teacher throughout his career. He is enthusiastic, no matter the content. He infuses music and humor into the classroom, engages students in games of “Jeopardy!”, and provides mentorship and guidance to many. His department chair says that in his final semester he helped a student in the new MA in Justice Studies program complete a master’s project. He most recently won a teaching award in 2017. He has taught many courses, but felt most responsible for the research and statistics courses in the department. He conducts research and writes for publication every year, always including students in the process. He has a strong and varied record of service to the department and college.

He has been a journal editor and consultant to nonprofit organizations. He “has had a profound impact on other faculty as a mentor” and role model; others indicate that he was a “champion for his students,” always enthusiastic, creative and inspired in the classroom, generous with his time and energy.

He published a research textbook with a now-retired co-author who indicates that it “was a wonderful collaboration” and that he “was a superb and kind editor.” He will be greatly missed by his Sociology colleagues and members of the College Council, where he never hesitated to ask the difficult and complex questions.

Krisjohn Horvat

Art, 1972-2012

Krisjohn Horvat had a distinguished career and he was “dedicated to two passions: being a superlative teacher and artist.” He was an extraordinary teacher who encouraged and “pushed his students both technically and conceptually.” Student reports emphasized “his passion for creating and viewing art.” He influenced the department, provided service on many departmental committees, and was a mentor to new faculty colleagues. 

He traveled extensively to broaden his own views, to bring back material that he could use in his classes, and to assist him in building a body of work. His lectures were filled with slides that introduced students to a “vast array of art works...exhibited in major galleries and a diversity of subjects from around the world.”

He provided service on college committees, and chaired at least 23 of them. He receive a distinguished teaching award and a distinguished sustained scholarship and creativity award.

Macgregor Kniseley

Elementary Education, 1990-2019

Macgregor Kniseley’s “record of teaching effectiveness is continuous and positive across his career.” Students noted that he has clear expectations and lets them know exactly what is needed to succeed. He is thoughtful, helpful, and very responsive. His teaching extended to the development, organization, and implementation of a job search conference every semester that demonstrated his “commitment to supporting and modeling professional competence for students.” 

His publications include one book and several articles in peer-reviewed journals. He was highly respected for his efforts in securing grants; he was awarded more than $6 million for science education grants during his career at RIC. He has had significant recognition for his work and efforts to support science education.

Robin Montvilo

Psychology, 1977-2020

Robin Montvilo has been a “consistent contributor in the field… as an author, researcher, faculty member, leader within the community and activist in the field of addiction and health care.“ She has brought much passion to her work in psychology, addiction, and the care of others through nursing. She earned a bachelor of science degree in nursing from RIC in 1982, while a full-time faculty member in psychology and practiced as a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit at Women & Infants Hospital. She then “used her skills and knowledge of developmental psychology and nursing to educate and mentor her RIC students.”

Her love for teaching is widely recognized by her colleagues and her students, many of whom rate her as the best teacher at RIC. Her teaching is topical and closely tied to current events and research. During her career, she has published more than 100 articles and forums and chapters in edited volumes. She has provided extensive service to her department, serving since 2002 as program director for the Chemical Dependency and Addiction Studies program (CDAS).

She has served on many college committees and has been a commencement marshal for many years. She also has been active in the broader community as an advocate and board member and is a leader in the state in the field of addictions.

Ann Moskol

Mathematical Sciences, 1974-2017

Ann Moskol “contributed to a variety of programs: general education, applied math, math education, statistics and statistics education, along with computer science and computer science education.”

She was a leader in promoting math and computer science to girls and women and a role model for staying professionally active, including attendance at summer institutes exploring such important topics as data science and new computer languages. She taught courses in math, math education, and computer science; she also developed and taught new courses.

She worked with colleagues to develop and implement two National Science Foundation grants. She worked to accept one of these grants six months earlier than expected; she prepared and organized the planning and recruitment and was successful in assuring a positive start for the project. She was viewed as an excellent organizer, taking responsibility for Math Awareness Day; she was in charge of student social events and was the driving force behind the establishment of the Rhode Island chapter of the Computer Science Teachers Association.

Faculty Emerita Posthumously Awarded

Edythe Anthony

Biology, 1984-2017

Edythe Anthony was a skilled and committed faculty member, caring for and mentoring her undergraduate and graduate students. Student comments recognized her skills in helping them to “think like a scientist, read like a scientist, and write as a scientist.” She could “take very complicated processes and make them easy to understand.”

She chaired the department for six years; she was a recipient of the Thorp award; and she served as associate dean of FAS for eight years and was known for “her calm, even temperament and her ability to get things done.” She provided leadership for RIC’s INBRE efforts and was a very active member of the leadership for NSF EPSCoR projects, assuring that faculty and our students had research opportunities and funding support.

She published and was known for her research, examining neuroendocrine control of reproduction and development in vertebrates. She published broadly in highly rated journals and her research was widely cited. She was held in high esteem by colleagues in her department, in FAS and in the college.

Rachel Filinson

Sociology, 1988-2020

Rachel Filinson was the gerontology scholar in the Sociology Department, a generous collaborator who worked with faculty across departments, schools and institutions. She was admired and respected in the community as well. She built strong relationships with generations of students, as she taught many different courses across the curriculum. She was one of only a few faculty willing to teach a “distance course,” an early adopter of the learning management system WebCT. A former colleague says, “With her wit and fabulous work ethic, it was a joy to teach with her.” Her research was extensive. She published widely even as her illness deepened; in 2019 alone, she published three articles.

She was involved in grant work, had been an active participant in creating Age Friendly Rhode Island, and had long been involved with a URI/RIC gerontology project that included multiple partners and extensive training. A colleague wrote that “her knowledge and years of research were instrumental in guiding our strategies and providing the team with best practices from around the world.” She contributed significantly to the college’s designation as an Age-Friendly University.

She served the college and the community in many ways: she supported students’ preparation for interviews to dental and medical schools; she organized the annual gerontology conference; and she chaired the department for eight years. She was a manuscript reviewer and editorial board member of a prominent gerontological journal; she served as a subcommittee member of the Long-term Care Coordinating Council, working on expanding volunteer options for older adults in Rhode Island. A former colleague notes that she was struck by the ability Rachel had “to do everything she took on so devotedly and successfully. She juggled it all so seamlessly.”

NameDepartment/Administrative Area
Dr. Emily Stier AdlerSociology Department
Dr. William R. AhoSociology Department
Dr. Louis E. AlfonsoEducational Studies Department
Dr. Peter S. AllenAnthropology Department
Samuel B. AmesArt Department
Barbara E. AndersonPsychology Department
Dr. Paul W. AnghinettiEnglish Department
Dr. A. Anthony Antosh '75Special Education Department
Dr. Yael AvissarBiology Department
Dr. R. Carol BarnesAnthropology Department
Dr. Mildred BatesBSW Program
Dr. Pamela J. BensonEnglish Department
Dr. James J. BetresElementary Education Department
Dr. Dorothy M. BiancoPsychology Department
Dr. James E. BierdenMathematical Sciences
Dr. Jeffrey P. BlaisEconomics and Finance Department
Dr. Charles W. BohnsackBiology Department
Kenneth E. BorstPhysical Sciences Department
Dr. Joao P. BotelhoEducational Studies Department
Mariam Z. Boyajian '70Upward Bound
Harriet E. BrissonArt Department
Dr. Maryann BromleyMSW Program
Dr. Jean E. BrownEnglish Department
Dr. John A. Bucci '68Feinstein School of Education
Dr. Mary L. Burke '80Nursing Undergraduate
Dr. Cathleen M. CalbertEnglish Department
Rachel H. CarpenterAdams Library
Margaret M. Carroll '63Office of Academic Support
Dr. Anne E. S. CartyNursing Undergraduate
Dr. Roger D. ClarkSociology Department
Dr. Nancy L. CloudEducational Studies Department
Dr. Thomas L. Cobb '11English Department
Dr. Dix S. CoonsModern Languages Department
Dr. Patricia A. CordeiroElementary Education Department
Dr. James R. Cornelison Jr.Administration and Finance
Joseph L. Costa '71Student Support Services
Dr. Moyne L. CubbageCommunication Department
Dr. Robert CvornyekHistory Department
Dr. Lenore A. DeLuciaAdministration and Finance
Dr. Stanford E. DemarsPolitical Science Department
Dr. Richard L. DicksonSpecial Education Department
Dr. John F. DiMeo '67Special Education Department
Dr. Judith H. DiMeoSpecial Education Department
Dr. Marilyn G. EanetElementary Education Department
Dr. Robert W. ElamMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. Willard F. EntemanPhilosophy Department
Dr. George M. EppleAnthropology Department
Dr. Richard FeldsteinEnglish Department
Sharon M. Fennessey '67Henry Barnard School
Dr. Allan L. FingeretPsychology Department
John J. FittaAdministration and Finance
Dr. Carolyn Fluehr-LobbanAnthropology Department
Dr. Ghislaine A. GeloinModern Languages Department
Dr. Peter K. GlanzPhysical Sciences Department
Dr. Joan I. GlazerElementary Education Department
Dr. John J. GleasonSpecial Education Department
Dr. Neil I. GonsalvesBiology Department
Dr. Richard A. GreenElementary Education Department
Dr. David L. GreenePhysical Sciences Department
Dr. Mary Alice GrellnerEnglish Department
Dr. Margaret A. HainsworthNursing Undergraduate
Dr. Spencer HallEnglish Department
H. Samuel HallMathematical Sciences
Dr. George C. HartmannBiology Department
Dr. Terence E. HaysAnthropology Department
Dr. Florence E. HennenPsychology Department
Doris J. HlavsaHealth and Physical Education Department
Dr. Robert E. HoganEnglish Department
Dr. William HollandEducational Studies Department
Krisjohn O. HorvatArt Department
Dr. Mary Ball HowkinsArt Department
Carol A. Hryciw-WingAdams Library
Dr. P William HutchinsonMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. Kay F. IsraelCommunication Department
Dr. William M. JonesMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. James J. KennyEducational Studies Department
Dr. MacGregor KniseleyElementary Education Department
Dr. Maureen T. Lapan '53Educational Studies Department
Dr. Rebecca G. LassanNursing Undergraduate
Dr. J. Stanley LemonsHistory Department
Dr. Richard A. Lobban Jr.Anthropology Department
Dr. Yolande A. LockettNursing Undergraduate
Dr. Bennett J. LombardoHealth and Physical Education Department
Marlene L. LopesAdams Library
Dr. Kenneth V. LundbergEconomics and Finance Department
Dr. Patricia G. LyonsElementary Education Department
Dr. Harriet S. MagenCommunication Department
Janis H. MarecsakHealth and Physical Education Department
Dr. Peter A. MarksEconomics and Finance Department
Dr. Edward W. MarkwardMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. Charles J. MarzzaccoPhysical Sciences Department
Dr. Lloyd H. MatsumotoBiology Department
Dr. Philip T. McClintockMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. Joseph J. McCormick '59Special Education Department
Dr. James G. McCrystalEducational Studies Department
Dr. Meradith McMunnEnglish Department
Dr. Thomas MeedelBiology Department
Dr. Jerry E. MelaragnoBiology Department
Dr. George D. MetreySchool of Social Work
Dr. Robin K. Montvilo '82Psychology Department
Dr. Peter R. MooreEconomics and Finance Department
Patricia MooreHealth and Physical Education Department
Dr. E. Pierre MorenonAnthropology Department
Dr. Ann E. MoskolMathematical Sciences
S. Scott MuellerBSW Program
Dr. Christine A. Mulcahey '80Henry Barnard School
Dr. Angela C. MurphyNursing Undergraduate
Dr. John Nazarian '54Office of the President
Dr. Madeline F. NixonElementary Education Department
Dr. William J. OehlkersElementary Education Department
Dr. J. George O'KeefePhysical Sciences Department
Dr. Richard R. OlmstedPhilosophy Department
Dr. Lenore J. OlsenMSW Program
Richard A. OlsenAdams Library
Dr. Charles W. OwensBiology Department
Dr. Cynthia A. PadulaNursing Graduate
Dr. Carolyn P. PanofskyEducational Studies Department
John PellegrinoMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. Gary M. PenfieldStudent Success
Dr. Eugene H. PerryPolitical Science Department
 Music, Theatre, and Dance Department
John E. Peterson '56Physical Sciences Department
Dr. Peter E. PiccilloHistory Department
Dr. Dorothy R. PieniadzEducational Studies Department
Dr. Victor L. ProfughiPolitical Science Department
Dr. Thomas W. RamsbeySociology Department
Dr. Tom M. RandallPsychology Department
Dr. Joyce T. ReisnerElementary Education Department
Dr. Carey G. RickabaughPolitical Science Department
Dr. Mariano RodriguesMathematical Sciences
Dr. Marjorie RoemerEnglish Department
Dr. Joan H. RollinsPsychology Department
Dr. Elizabeth H. RowellElementary Education Department
Dr. James J. RubovitsPsychology Department
Dr. Robert T. RudeElementary Education Department
Dr. John J. SalessesAcademic Affairs
Dr. Kathryn E. SandersMathematical Sciences
James A. SchaeferMathematical Sciences
Dr. Edward A. ScheffMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Barry SchillerMathematical Sciences
Dr. James T. SedlockMathematical Sciences
Dr. Carol R. SheltonNursing Undergraduate
Dr. Amritjit SinghEnglish Department
Dr. Clyde C. SlickerElementary Education Department
Dr. Raymond SmithMusic, Theatre, and Dance Department
Dr. Sheri L. SmithPhilosophy Department
Don SmithArt Department
Dr. Ellsworth A. StarringElementary Education Department
Dr. Albert L. SteckerManagement and Marketing Department
Ronald SteinbergArt Department
Dr. Earl E. StevensEnglish Department
Dr. Ezra L. StieglitzElementary Education Department
Judith E. Stokes '75Adams Library
Dr. Milburn J. StonePolitical Science Department
Dr. Mary M. SullivanMathematical Sciences
Robert J. Sullivan '53Anthropology Department
Dr. Patricia A. ThomasNursing Undergraduate
Dr. Ronald W. TibbettsHenry Barnard School
Dr. James D. TurleyEnglish Department
Dr. Daniel WeismanBSW Program
Ruth B. WhippleHenry Barnard School
Dr. Jane WilliamsSchool of Nursing
Dr. John C. WilliamsPhysical Sciences Department
Dr. Carolyn L. WoodNursing Undergraduate
Dr. David C. Woolman '72Adams Library

Nomination Process and Outcomes


The following prerequisites must be present in order to be considered for emerita/emeritus status:

  • Faculty must hold the title of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor.
  • Senior administrative staff must hold the title of director or higher on the college’s official organizational chart. There is no distinction given to union/non-union status.
  • Individuals must enter retirement in good standing and not for separation from service for any other reason.
  • Individuals who retired in prior years are eligible for consideration.
  • The college does not grant emeritus/emerita status posthumously.


For faculty, written nominations are normally made by department chairs and forwarded directly to the college president, although nominations may also come directly from deans. Alternately, department chairs may forward nominations to the appropriate dean, who will then forward the nomination to the president.

Administrative emeritus nominations generally originate from the individual to whom the nominee reports. However, this does not preclude a nomination from a higher administrative level.

Self-nominations, or nominations from outside the appropriate supervisory hierarchy, cannot be considered.

The president seeks the confidential advice of the President’s Executive Cabinet (P.E.C.) on all nominations before rendering a decision; this is the opportunity for the vice presidents to add their judgment. However, the president’s decision is final.

Nomination Contents

Nominations should take the form of a letter to the president. Electronic transmittal is requested.Most successful nominations provide the type of information listed in this section. Not every nominee is expected to have an entry in each area; also, there may be other factors that the nominator wishes to include. Bear in mind that these are guidelines only; other factors may also be considered and the president is free to weigh the criteria in any manner she/he deems appropriate.

  • significant length of service to the college (Normally, successful candidates will have served for at least twenty years.)
  • a demonstrated and consistent record of contributions to the college that far exceed normal expectations of a faculty member or administrator (please cite specific examples).
  • for faculty, a reputation as a good teacher and role model for colleagues as well as students
  • for administrators, a reputation as a good role model for colleagues and for any students with whom they have interacted
  • a record of leadership in the individual’s discipline or profession and/or the greater community that has brought distinction to 51 (please cite specific examples)
  • an interest in continuing to serve, to support, and to contribute to the institution and to its mission

Because most nominees will have a record of service spanning multiple decades, nominators should not assume that those who will deliberate on the nomination possess full knowledge of the candidate’s contributions. That is why the nomination requires some degree of specificity. It is not necessary to include a full vita, but it is important to include pertinent highlights in the nomination.



Each appointee receives a postal letter, personally signed by the president, indicating the individual’s new status. Emailed copies are forwarded to the appropriate vice president, assistant vice president, dean, and department chair. Also copied is the official to whom the individual reported as well as the nominator, if such are not among the aforementioned positions.

For promotion and administrative purposes, an emailed copy is also sent to the Vice President for Advancement and College Relations, the Office of Human Resources, the Office of College Communications and Marketing, and the Web Communications office.

News of the appointment remains strictly confidential and is embargoed until such time as the president makes a public announcement. The appointee, of course, may inform immediate family members, with request of confidentiality.

For nominations that are unsuccessful, the nominator will be notified by email, with request for strict confidentiality. The nominee, who would not be aware of the nomination, is not to be informed under any circumstances.


Normally, an emeritus/emerita appointment shall be for life; however, because individuals holding the title continue their association with the college in the public domain, the college must reserve the right, under exceptional circumstances, to revoke such status. Violation of any of the following provisions may lead to revocation:

  • Emeriti must behave in a professional, responsible, ethical, and lawful manner, and in accordance with the rules and policies of 51, its governing board, and the State of Rhode Island, as well as federal and local laws and regulations. Any behavior, action, or conduct that would otherwise constitute grounds for discipline of a college employee may result in the revocation of emeritus status and/or privileges.
  • Emeriti may not use college resources to campaign or advocate for personal or political interests, to conduct for-profit business activities, or to support any non-profit activity unrelated to the college.
  • Emeriti may only have access to confidential student, personnel, or other official records to the extent required and authorized within the scope of an approved service activity.
  • Emeriti may neither purport to represent the college in any matter nor bind the college to any commitment or obligation, contractual or otherwise, absent written prior approval from the president or president’s designee.

Privileges and Benefits

Individuals holding emeritus/emerita status may be eligible for such benefits and privileges as may be from time-to-time established by the college. Examples of such benefits and privileges may include:

  • an official certificate certifying the appointment, personally signed by the president, and enclosed in a suitable case, cover, or frame
  • listing in the faculty/staff directory and on the college web with the new title
  • RIC identification card
  • faculty/staff borrowing privileges at Adams Library
  • permission to park in lots restricted to faculty and staff (with proper registration of vehicle with the Security and Safety Department)
  • continued use of their assigned college email account
  • continued access to RIC computers in the Faculty Development Area of the open computer labs, on a space available basis
  • discounts on admission to cultural, athletic, or other events normally provided to faculty and staff
  • invitations to special emeriti events as may be held from time-to-time
  • access for emeriti faculty, subject to the constraints of Council by-law XVIII A.4., to apply to the 51 Faculty Research Fund
  • an invitation to march in convocation processions; faculty emeriti are invited to march with the appropriate academic department; administrative emeriti are invited to join the line of march with active administrators of the same rank
  • posthumous recognition (If the college learns in a timely manner of the passing of an emeritus/emerita, college flags will be lowered to half-staff and a notice circulated to faculty and staff. If news of the passing is delayed to a point where flag lowering would be inappropriate, a notice will still be circulated to faculty and staff providing information of the passing.)
51 entrance

For More Information

Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer at 51.