Professor Richard Weiner’s Scholarship Garners International Attention

Forman Center in the fall

Professor of Political Science Richard Weiner’s recent publication of “Les Reciproqueteurs: Post-Regulatory Corporatism” in the “Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning” is one of four research projects garnering international recognition.

Weiner has been invited to present a talk on his paper at the World Interdisciplinary Network on Institutional Research Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, on Thursday, April 23.

This conference focuses on law and economics in the governance of corporations and is headed by Geoffrey Hodgson, editor of the “Journal of Institutional Economics.” A short version of his paper is also being published by “The European Legacy,” and, in June, he will present his paper at the Paris Conference on Regulatory Economics.

Another area of research Weiner has been engaged in is multi-scalarity and transnational policy making. He will lead a workshop on this topic in Milan, Italy, in July at the International Conference on Public Policy. The content of the workshop is the result of a dozen of articles and papers he wrote and presented for the past three years at national and international universities and organizations that include Harvard University, where Weiner has been an affiliate since 2009; the University of Chicago; the University of Vienna; Université du Quebec à Montréal; the European Consortium of Political Research; the World Congresses of the International Political Science Association; and the Federación Española de Sociologia in Madrid.

Madrid’s anti-austerity movement by unemployed youth (los indignados) is a research study that Weiner has been conducting for the past few years in collaboration with Iván Lopez of the Complutense University Madrid. Weiner and Lopez presented their findings at the Conference of Europeanists in Washington in 2014 and will present at the same conference this year in Paris. They’re also collaborating on a working paper for the Center for European Studies at Harvard University.

Finally, a talk Weiner gave at New York University – “Transnational History as Historical Subject” – will be published by The Telos Institute, which carries on the legacy of the critical theory of the Frankfurt School.

Richard Weiner holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University and is author of Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology. He is currently completing a book titled Social Rights, Social Pacts and Social Law. Weiner served as a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and the Centre d'Études des Mouvements Sociaux in France. After serving as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at 51 for 20 years, he returned to full-time teaching and scholarship at RIC in 2009.