Dr. Gary R. Grund

Gary Grund
Department, Office, or School
Department of English
  • Professor Emeritus

After receiving my Ph. D from Harvard University in 1972 and teaching in Harvard’s English department, I began my career at 51±¬ÁĎ in 1973. During the last forty-two years, I have taught twenty-four different courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs in English and in General Education. I have also been the only instructor in ancient Greek and Latin courses ranging from the 101-102 level to graduate-level theses. Since my area of interest and expertise is the Renaissance/Early Modern period, my courses in classical languages and literatures are directly related to my published work in that period which saw the rediscovery of ancient knowledge and the beginning of the modern world.

I have published or contributed to nine books during my career and written articles and reviews that have appeared in journals around the world. In recent years, two books of mine—Humanist Comedies and Humanist Tragedies—were published by Harvard University Press as part of its I Tatti Renaissance Library series, a collection which presents newly edited Latin works from the Italian Renaissance and, in most cases, their very first translations into English. In 2015, an expanded version of my introduction to Humanist Tragedies will be published by Oxford University Press; an extended chapter on “Literarische Formen des philosophischen Humanismus” will also be published by Schwabe Verlag in volume 3 of Ueberweg’s GrundriĂź der Geschichte der Philosophie: Renaissance und Humanismus.

Over the course of my career, I have tried to insure that my professional, research interests informed my teaching. Ideally, this should always be the case. I have always believed that by expanding my own competence in the library I could expand the horizons of my students in the classroom. Thus, as a final and somewhat unusual note, allow me to mention, first of all, my attempt to enfranchise myself with one quarter of the world’s population by enrolling at Brown in courses in Mandarin Chinese; second, my début in the movies as the voice-over in Blind Date, a film about Keats’s “Ode to a Nightingale,” produced by two of my former students which was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Documentary in 1985; and, third, most recently, my teaching a group of Cistercian nuns New Testament Greek to enable them to read the Bible in the original. Maintaining a close relationship between my traditional scholarship and the practical, compelling demands of my more non-traditional students is at the heart of what I do.


A.B., B.A., Boston College

M.A., Harvard University

Ph.D., Harvard University

Selected Publications

Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin, contracted chapter on “Neo-Latin Tragedy in Europe, 1400-1800,” Oxford UP, forthcoming 2015.

“Literarische Formen des historischen Humanismus,” Chapter 13 in Volume 3 of the Friedrich Ueberweg, GrundriĂź der Geschichte der Philosophie, Basle: Schwabe forthcoming 2015.

Humanist Tragedies, translator and editor, I Tatti Renaissance Library Series, 
Volume 45, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011, 407 pp.

Humanist Comedies, translator and editor, I Tatti Renaissance Library Series, 
Volume 19, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005, 460 pp.
[Reviewed: Renaissance Quarterly (RQ), 59, No. 3 (Fall, 2006): 836-39.
New England Classical Journal (NECJ), 33.3 (August, 2006).
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), 2, No. 54 (2006).
The Classical Journal (CJ), 82 (2006): 313f.
°ż˛Ô´ÇłľĂˇłú±đľ±˛Ô (Chile), 13 (2006): 211-14.
Euphrosyne (Portugal), 35 (2006): 535-36.
Romanistisches Jahrbuch (Germany), 57 (2006): 301-303.
Albertiana: SociĂ©tĂ© internationale Leon Battista Alberti (Italy),  
No. 9 (2006): 258-59. 
New York Review of Books, 53, No. 15 (October 5, 2006).]
International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 15 (2008): 281-90,  
“Roman and Humanist Comedy on the Renaissance Stage,” by 
Charles Fantazzi.]

The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, ed. Gary A. Stringer, Indiana 
University Press, editorial consultant and English translator [Robert Ellrodt,
L’inspiration personelle et l’esprit du temps chez les poètes métaphysiques anglais
(1960)], Volume 7, Part I, 2004; Part II, 2005.

Dictionary of Literary Biography, Second Series, vol. 281, British Rhetoricians and 
Logicians, 1500-1660, ed. E. Malone, entry “John Hoskyns,” Bruccoli Clark Layman,

A Centennial History of Pawtucket Country Club, privately printed, 2002.

Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 121, Seventeenth-Century Nondramatic Poets,
ed. M. Thomas Hester, entry “John Hoskyns,” Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1992.

John Hoskyns, Elizabethan Rhetoric, and the Development of English Prose, New York:  
Garland Press, 1987.

The Fortunate Fall and Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice,” Studia Neophilologica
55 (1983): 153-65.

“The Queen’s Two Bodies: Britomart and Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Book III,”
Cahiers ÉlisabĂ©thains 21 (1981):11-33.

“Rhetoric as Metaphor: Some Notes on Dramatic Method,” Ă‰tudes Anglaises 33 (1980): 

“Spenser and Elizabethan Political Theology,” Albion (Journal of British Studies) 12
(1980): 424.

“Ben Jonson, John Hoskyns, and the Anti-Ciceronian Movement,” Studies in English 
 54 (1977): 33-53. 

“From Formulary to Fiction: The Epistle and the English Anti-Ciceronian Movement,”
Texas Studies in Language and Literature 17 (1975): 379-95.


ENGL 120 Studies in Literature and Identity
ENGL 201 Introductions to Literary Studies I
ENGL 205 Backgrounds Brit Lit to 1800
ENGL 230 Business Writing
ENGL 345 Shakespeare: Histories & Comedies
ENGL 346 Shakespeare: The Tragedies
ENGL 348 British Lit 1500-1603
ENGL 351 British Lit From 1603 To 1674
ENGL 356 British Drama To 1642, Except Shakespeare
ENGL 490 Directed Study
ENGL 591 Directed Reading
GREEK 101 Introduction to Attic Greek
LATN 101 Elementary Latin I
MLAN 150 Topics
MLAN 250 Topics
MLAN 450 Readings in Greek
MLAN 550 Topics
WRTG 100 Writing and Rhetoric